Colton Lake, Part of the Barford Lakes Complex

Colton Lake is at Colton on the outskirts of Norwich and is about 5 minutes drive from the main Barford Lakes complex.
Originally a farm irrigation reservoir, Colton lake is about two acres in size and was converted to a fishing venue. Managed by Barford Lakes, this water is used solely as a match venue. The facilities on site are a portakabin and unisex toilet. There has been some additional work undertaken during 2003 on the pegs and stagings to improve access.
This water holds a large stock of Carp, which average a whacking 6–8lb with some reaching the 15lb mark – it's our beastie lake!
The match record at this venue on a six hour match stands at 328lb (55 fish). Mick Mantle (Marryat Road A/C) achieved this weight by fishing catmeat on a waggler, 2 rod lengths out, feeding catmeat and Barford’s carp pellet. Due to the size of the fish, there is a 10 carp in a keepnet limit with a maximum of three keepnets to be used (further details to be found in the match rules) – so hot rods should bring some spares! In summer months at this venue 150lb+ is usually needed to win an open match held at Colton Lake.
Peg Layout and Depth

Colton Lake is a match-only water, the lake is about 40 metres wide by 300 metres long and pegs are spaced at regular intervals, 15 metres apart along opposite banks.
The margins of this lake are 18" to 3' deep, there is a gradual slope which levels out to a flat bottom and the deepest part of the lake is 12-14' deep. At 6m the average depth is 6-8' and at 11m is about 12'.
- This lake is a very fair venue, with 75% of pegs capable of producing a winning weight - see the match and peg analysis page for more information.
- During the summer months most anglers favour pegs 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 30 and 32.

Colton Lake offers some excellent fishing with carp exceeding 15lb and 75% of pegs producing winning catches.